Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions you do not see here, please email us

Enrollment eligibility is based on a number of factors. The first step is to complete our online application; then an enrollment specialist will set you up with an enrollment appointment. The number of available slots and your family’s eligibility will determine whether your child is enrolled or put on our waitlist for one or more centers. As soon as a slot is available for your child, our enrollment team will reach out to you.
Once you’ve completed the online application, an enrollment specialist will reach out to set up an enrollment appointment. For that appointment, you need to bring the following documents:
- Your child’s birth certificate (or an official, legal record of birth; Social Security cards do not meet this requirement)
- Proof of income from last tax year (2018 tax returns or W2s) or for the last 12 months (one pay stub from each job held, written statement from employer, etc.)
- Proof of SNAP, TANF or SSI assistance, if you are receiving one or all. This must include how much you receive per month.
- Your child’s immunization records, if you have them.
If you cannot provide the above documents at the appointment, let the enrollment specialist know when you set up the appointment.
For additional assistance in finding local childcare partners, please contact the Southwest Office of Child Care Resource and Referral at (877) 533-1587 or visit their website.
Children should wear comfortable play clothing that can get dirty. We do lots of fun, messy activities in our classrooms and play outside daily.
- For winter: bring a snowsuit, mittens, a hat, and boots with your child’s name on them.
- For summer: bring a swimsuit, sunhat, and sturdy sandals or water shoes (no flip flops)
Shoes that tie, velcro, or stay securely on your child’s feet (like athletic shoes) will help prevent accidents and teach your child independence. Clothes that are easy for your child to fasten and unfasten can help them be more successful in using the toilet independently. If you need help getting clothes, Center Directors can support you with resources.
You do not need to send anything to school with your child. We supply diapers, wipes, and formula for children needing these items. We also supply all classroom and art materials, like crayons, paint, paper, etc.
There are many reasons that children may want to bring items to school, like their favorite toy, stuffed animal, or security blanket. While we try to keep track, items from home can be damaged or lost. They can also be disruptive to learning with our curriculum-based materials. Please keep your child’s toys/belongings at home or in the car, and please do not send your child to school with money.
YES! Our program recognizes that each child develops differently and we do not require a child to be potty trained to attend. We will support and encourage your child’s readiness for independent self-help skills. Toilet teaching will be planned cooperatively between the teaching staff and the child’s family so that the toilet routine is consistent between the school and home. It is our policy that children will not be toilet trained before 18 months old. Families may be asked to bring extra clothing for their child as accidents during this learning time are common.
Routines are very important for preschool children, toddlers, and infants. Each of our classrooms establish a daily schedule that is posted for families. A typical daily routine may include:
- Arrival/greeting: families and staff support your child’s transition from home to school
- Free-choice, center-based play: focused on developmentally appropriate interactions
- Breakfast & brushing teeth
- More center-based play
- Small group learning
- Outdoor play
- Large group stories/songs/literacy
- Lunch
- Quiet time (if attending more than 4 hours) & Departure/Home
If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please call your center as soon as you make that decision. See the Contacts page for links to contact information for each center.
To comply with state and federal regulations, Tri-County Head Start needs the following information on file to have your child enrolled in our program. Each requirement can only be met with written documentation; verbal confirmation is not enough.
Up-to-date Immunizations | Before your child’s first day at school | Your child receives immunizations based on their age and time between doses. If your child is behind on immunizations, provide us with a plan (including dates and doses) for getting them up-to-date. If your child is exempt from immunizations, we need an official Colorado Exemption Form, which can be found on the website. |
Well-Child Check / Physical Exam | Within 30 days of your child’s first day at school, and within 30 days of expiration | At 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 24 months, and then every year after that. If your child has an appointment after the deadline, please provide us with an appointment card. |
Developmental and Behavioral Screenings | Within 45 days of your child’s first day at school | The screening forms will be provided by your Center. They must be completed when your child first starts in our program, and again if they transition from Early Head Start to Head Start. |
Dental Exam | Within 90 days of your child’s first day at school | Every 12 months for children over 1 year old. If your child has an appointment after the deadline, please provide us with an appointment card. |
If you need assistance to complete the online application, we are here to help. Please call 970-247-5960 and select the Enrollment option to speak with an enrollment specialist.