Pagosa Springs Head Start
Archuleta County
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Tri-County Head Start operates the Pagosa Springs Head Start Center in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. This program has been a fixture in the community for generations, helping many children and families of Archuleta County prepare for kindergarten. We’re excited to welcome you to our friendly, safe, and nurturing center.
Welcome to Head Start, where the adventure begins!
There is an exciting year waiting for you and your child! Our staff is excited to learn and work with our new and returning families. It will be a year of magical wonder and amazing growth in an environment that is safe, nurturing, and fun.
I am Marie Merrill-Exton, your Director at Pagosa Springs Head Start. I am happy to welcome you to our new school year! I have been part of the Tri-County Head Start family for the past three years. I have worked in the child development field for 15 years where my focus has been in the classroom. I’m a firm believer that relationships are the foundation to who we are. If we take the time to build healthy and nurturing relationships with children, we can help set them up for success to reach their fullest potential.
I am looking forward to a positive and productive partnership with you to ensure your children can achieve their highest potential. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, your children need support from both the home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a difference in your child’s education. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring he/she attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience. Furthermore, I strongly believe that communication is the key to your child’s success and to a great parent-teacher relationship. Good communication leads to healthy boundaries and overall mutual understanding.
I eagerly anticipate getting to know our new students and families and learning about your goals, vision, and expectations of our center.
Center Director

Pagosa Springs is open year-round for Early Head Start and from August through May for Head Start.
Head Start Availability
- Head Start preschool for children ages 3–5 years old
- 3 preschool classrooms
- Up to 16 children per class
- Children attend 4 days a week, Monday–Thursday
- There are two options for length of day*:
- Part day: 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- School day: 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
*Part day is no cost to families. Tuition charges may apply to extend to full School day; tuition assistance is available.
Early Head Start (No Longer Accepting Applications)
- Early Head Start toddler program for children
ages 1–3 years old - 1 Early Head Start classrooms
- Up to 8 children per class
- Children attend 5 days a week, Monday–Friday,
7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Click here to see the menu for this month.
Note: Menus are sometimes updated over the course of the month. See the menu posted at your center for any changes.